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Change log entry 54822
Processed by: richwarm (2014-10-05 09:26:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52559 >>
After consulting many references, it appears that the original note that this is a simplified form of 蘇 is incorrect.
Editor: By "this", I presume you mean 苏.

I don't think you read your references correctly.
Here, for example, is what two of my references say:

两岸常用词典 says 苏 is the simplified form of 蘇:
蘇〔简: 苏〕

简化字总表 likewise specifies 苏 as the simplified form of 蘇 and 囌:
# - 穌 稣 [su1] /archaic variant of 蘇|苏[su1]/to revive/
# + 穌 稣 [su1] /to revive, to rise again/to collect/
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