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Change log entry 54722
Processed by: richwarm (2014-09-21 21:46:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50255 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

Editor: I'm calling this a construct, a term that can be understood in terms of 生活 and 形態.
I can't find any evidence that it means "ecology".
It seems that it just means "living pattern" or "way of life", as you would expect from the definitions of 生活 and 形態.

Examples from J and TP ~

As the residence becomes the major focal point of most activities, probably the most prosperous industry will be the delivery of essential goods directly to people's homes on order.

was in fact far removed from a normal person's way of living and values

and also prompts reflection on Taiwanese society's preference for quantity over quality and the disposable nature of things in daily life.

Hsuen Kuan-ying, born and raised in Tahu and an employee in the local government's administrative office for 22 years, wonders, "The idea behind this agreement is nice, but if someone really hits the point where they can't go on, what then?" For farmers, selling land is the quickest way to pick up some money. It is an immediate way out of poverty and hard labor.

Only in this way, can again the space pattern be in conformity with the living pattern, thus creating the nice residence of the new era.

The philosophy of Taoism has not only influenced the visual representation of Chinese landscape painting but also reflects the Chinese people's way of life that embodies their yearning to be in harmony with nature.

"Angioplasty or coronary bypass restores Blood flow to heart muscle. Follow-up may include drugs, exercise programs, and counseling on diet and lifestyle changes. "
- 生活形態 生活形态 [sheng1 huo2 xing2 tai4] /life pattern/ecology/
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