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Change log entry 54721
Processed by: richwarm (2014-09-21 20:54:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52504 - submitted by 'tangmu' >>
Google translates this word simply as 'top'. If its use is indeed restricted to a domain like Internet forum threads, than 'sticky' or 'to be sticky' would be the correct translation ('to sticky' does not appear correct as 'sticky' is not English verb).

1) Google Translate is not reliable.
For example, as of 2014/09/22, it translates 考研 as "PubMed" and 保研 as Security research"!
If you have other evidence that 置頂 means "top", by all means let us know.

2) "sticky" *is* an English verb, although you may not find it in many dictionaries, because it's relatively new.
In Wiktionary, it's defined as
"(Internet, bulletin boards) to fix a thread at the top of the list of topics or threads so as to keep it in view."

3) Baidu Baike defines 置頂 as a verb: 置顶顾名思义,就是放在顶处!... 置顶就是让一个文章永远都在这个版面的第一页,这样人家一进你这个版面首先看到的就是置顶的文章。
# - 置頂 置顶 [zhi4 ding3] /to sticky (an Internet forum thread etc)/
# + 置頂 置顶 [zhi4 ding3] /to be sticky (an Internet forum thread etc)/top/
By MDBG 2024
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