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Change log entry 54716
Processed by: richwarm (2014-09-21 01:17:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52148 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
please check.
Amplitude and pitch are two different things, and I admit that it's tempting to understand "volume" in
but it seems that C dicts only give "pitch"

"melody" in Z, seems justified by J

論調 (M only) seems "point as view" (as smth you express) rather than argument.

Last 2 examples on J seem to indicate that 調門 (tiaomen) could be "valve" (used for regulation)
Editor: I left a comment on the RQ.

Here's a TP example for "melody".
In the orchestra he taught students to play Chinese music, beginning with easy and familiar melodies from Taiwan.
- 調門 调门 [diao4 men2] /volume/amplitude/point of view/argument/pitch or key (music)/
+ 調門 调门 [diao4 men2] /melody/pitch or key (music)/tone/style/point of view/
# Editor adding
+ 調門 调门 [tiao2 men2] /valve/
By MDBG 2024
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