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Change log entry 54699
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-09-17 13:38:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52493 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
It's verbal, not a shelter.

had to rely on these little cottages to keep out the elements.

"We old folk don't mind if we live in a sheet metal house-as long as it keeps the wind and rain out and doesn't fall down if there's an earthquake, that's plenty good enough!" Huang Hua-mei doesn't ask for much.
- 遮風避雨 遮风避雨 [zhe1 feng1 bi4 yu3] /a shelter from the wind and rain/
+ 遮風避雨 遮风避雨 [zhe1 feng1 bi4 yu3] /to give shelter from the wind and rain/to keep out the elements/
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