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Change log entry 54692
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-09-17 05:34:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52477 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
For millennia, parents and teachers have seen sexual knowledge as "forbidden fruit." They have been deeply afraid that once their children know about sex, they will become over-stimulated and seek to try it.

本刊謹就李建築師過去所規劃的兩棟超高層大樓設計使用情形,及其對環境產生的種種爭議請教他,除了可做為即將興建的世界第一高建築的先期經驗外,由此也 可窺知這位「超高層大師」對建築的觀點。
Sinorama asked Lee about two other major skyscrapers that he has designed, and about the controversies that both generated, to find out about the experience that Lee brings to his work on the world's tallest building and about his views on architecture in general.

You can get a glimpse of this from the increasing number of divorces initiated by the wife.

Beginning his research with the problem, "What are the differences between the ginseng described in the Compendium of Materia Medica 500 years ago and the ginseng we use today," he found that this world of "herb roots and tree bark" is one of vast learning.

How many men are being cuckolded? How many paternity tests are carried out each year in Taiwan? Exact figures that might answer these questions definitively are lacking, so that the only clue lies in the number of paternity tests carried out at a few medical institutions.

Each series comprises a range of different toys, and there's no way of telling which one you're going to get when you hand over your cash.
+ 窺知 窥知 [kui1 zhi1] /to find out about/to discover/
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