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Change log entry 54685
Processed by: richwarm (2014-09-16 20:14:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52423 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
L: [臺] 指棒、壘球比賽中,打擊手擊出越過全壘打線,而可環繞所有壘包一周得分的安打。也作「全壘打」。陸即「本壘打」、「全壘打」。(英Home Run)

Editor: TP ~

Not only are his shows popular in Taiwan, they're hot topics of conversation in China, Singapore, Malaysia, and anywhere else there's a Chinese-speaking community.

Eastern boom
In the last two years, auction prices for contemporary Chinese art have risen to such fantastic levels that figures of over NT$100 million in the Taiwanese market no longer raise any eyebrows.

These cakes were originally only sold at traditional food markets, until a customer from the Hsinchu Science Park bought and loved one, and was inspired to promote it to his colleagues and on his blog. And so began the boom in popularity for these cakes as they became a firm favorite of online group buyers, despite the bakery not even having its own website.

... 或自大銀幕轉入螢光幕前仍然當紅不讓
[They were stars even as children, and as they grew older, they took different roles on the big screen,] or went over to television, remaining as popular as ever.
# 紅不讓 红不让 [hong2 bu4 rang4] /home run (loanword) (Tw)/
+ 紅不讓 红不让 [hong2 bu4 rang4] /home run (loanword)/a big hit (hugely popular) (Tw)/
By MDBG 2024
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