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Change log entry 54607
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-08-16 16:31:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52360 - submitted by 'lunchbox' >>
Chinese likes to use the Hanja name of everything in South Korea, resulting in names with unique pronunciations, meaning that famous place names need a dictionary entry. San as you might guess means mountain in Korean, but without the apparent redundancy the definition isn't clear.
# 雪嶽山 雪岳山 [Xue3yue4shan1] /Seoraksan mountain near Sokcho, South Korea/
+ 雪嶽山 雪岳山 [Xue3 yue4 shan1] /Seoraksan mountain near Sokcho, South Korea/
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