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Change log entry 54533
Processed by: richwarm (2014-07-30 11:58:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50318 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
"downgrade" is inspired by GT, seems likely although I don't have an example
Editor: As far as I can see, "downgrade" isn't very useful here.

Import duties were gradually reduced to 20%

Airlines expect the new flight route will enable them to cut fuel costs by 40% and reduce ticket prices by as much as 20%.

The government can then lower the tax on natural gas to protect citizens.
# 調降 调降 [tiao2 jiang4] /to lower (prices etc)/to cut/to downgrade/
+ 調降 调降 [tiao2 jiang4] /(Tw) to lower (prices, interest rates etc)/to reduce/to cut/
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