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Change log entry 54516
Processed by: richwarm (2014-07-28 05:28:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49805 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

Editor: Based on my experience and
1) 文中的jinx...也就是我们说的“好事说不灵,坏事一说就灵”的“乌鸦嘴”
2) 现在常用“乌鸦嘴”来形容一个人说话特别招人讨厌,好事说不准,坏事一说就灵。*
3) NC ("mouth from which inauspicious remarks are uttered"), M (言語不中聽的人)

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* 乌鸦在中国人的眼中是一种不吉祥的鸟,与其他鸟相比,乌鸦的特别之处是其杂食性。它除了以谷物、果实、昆虫等为食物之外,还嗜食发烂恶臭的腐肉。乌鸦的嗅觉异常灵敏,它能及时发现地上的动物死尸,还能闻得到从地下散发出的腐烂的尸体的气味,所以常在有新坟的墓地上呱呱乱叫,甚至还能在房前屋后飞过时,捕捉到某个病人临死之前所散发出的特殊气味,然后在不远不近的地方发出异样的叫声。加上乌鸦本来就有一身黑色的羽毛,自然少不了以神秘阴冷的形象首先进人了人们的内心世界。所以用“乌鸦嘴”来形容某人说话讨厌,说坏事儿灵验,也就在情理之中了。
- 烏鴉嘴 乌鸦嘴 [wu1 ya1 zui3] /lit. crow's beak/fig. harbinger of doom/Cassandra/boring person constantly cawing about disaster/to tempt fate by mentioning misfortune/inauspicious topic bringing bad luck/jinx/
# + 烏鴉嘴 乌鸦嘴 [wu1 ya1 zui3] /lit. crow's beak/fig. harbinger of doom/Cassandra/boring person constantly cawing about disaster/to tempt fate by mentioning misfortune/inauspicious topic bringing bad luck/jinx/
+ 烏鴉嘴 乌鸦嘴 [wu1 ya1 zui3] /lit. crow's beak/fig. sb who has made an inauspicious remark/
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