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Change log entry 54513
Processed by: richwarm (2014-07-27 23:58:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50465 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
VERY unsure.

Dicts go like
which would seem clear.
(makes me wonder that maybe 解嘲 doesn't necessarily apply to oneself)

Practically none of the translations on N and J agree with the def--makes me wonder.
Especially the "console oneself" thing.
He is quite good at easing embarrassing situations by finding excuses to console himself.

One reason was that he had a sense of humour and could take a joke at his own expense.
to find excuses to console oneself
One could break away into irony--as indeed he often had to.
He always makes a fool of himself. (very unlikely translation)

Now those are only translations of no certain value.
However after skimming thru a few Chinese pages, the use does seem different from dict refs.
"to apply self-deprecating humor" and even "to console oneself" do seem to appear.
These can be wrong uses of the expression, but I can't be sure yet.
Putting this in the queue to empty my own queue :-)


Editor: I think what's missing from the submitted definition is the element of self-deprecating humor that is evident in the extracts quoted below.

- 负重少
- 下楼梯比较安全,看得见梯级,没东西挡着。
- 穿T恤可以不扭曲上面的图案,穿衬衣不会把扣子撑开。
- 睡觉没有压迫感。
- 跑步的时候不会波涛汹涌。据说美国有一运动员大胸,结果短跑时肋骨被撞断。

Bing Dict ~
Johnson made up the story of "Who Moved My Cheese? " to get himself to laugh at his follies and fears.

Web ~ 自我解嘲是在自己尴尬的处境下,诙谐地为自己进行辩解或嘲讽。

"At first, I was still emotionally tied to home, and bought everything-even sewing machine needles-from Taiwan," says Yang, half in explanation and half chuckling at himself. "But after the first box of needles was used up, what could I do? Eventually I figured out that local [New Zealand] needles are also very good."

As Zhang Xuan--known in English as Deserts--sits on the stage, guitar in hand, a powerful vexation builds between the eyebrows of her fresh and youthful visage. As lyrics that mix English and Chinese, expressed in a natural, warm and genteel voice, float past, you suddenly hear a loud exclamation, "Damn!" Looks like she has forgotten the words or hit a wrong chord again....

A ~ 自我解嘲 find excuses to console oneself in a humorous manner; be self-mocking
# 自我解嘲 自我解嘲 [zi4 wo3 jie3 chao2] /to try to talk oneself out of an embarrassing situation/
+ 自我解嘲 自我解嘲 [zi4 wo3 jie3 chao2] /to make light of one's foibles or failings through self-deprecating humor/
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