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Change log entry 5451
Processed by: miles (2008-08-28 22:08:16 GMT)
- 獨斷專行 独断专行 [du2 duan4 zhuan1 xing2] /act in an arbitrary fashion/
+ 獨斷專行 独断专行 [du2 duan4 zhuan1 xing2] /to decide and act alone (成语 saw); to take arbitrary action/a law unto oneself/
+ 獨斷獨行 独断独行 [du2 duan4 du2 xing2] /to decide and act alone (成语 saw); to take arbitrary action/a law unto oneself/
+ 獨夫 独夫 [du2 fu1] /sole ruler/dictator/
+ 獨夫民賊 独夫民贼 [du2 fu1 min2 zei2] /tyrant and oppressor of the people (成语 saw); traitorous dictator/
+ 民賊獨夫 民贼独夫 [min2 zei2 du2 fu1] /tyrant and oppressor of the people (成语 saw); traitorous dictator/
+ 獨體 独体 [du2 ti3] /autonomous body/independent system/
+ 獨吞 独吞 [du2 tun1] /to hog/to keep everything for oneself/
+ 獨舞 独舞 [du2 wu3] /solo dance/
+ 獨行 独行 [du2 xing2] /solitary/
+ 獨行其是 独行其是 [du2 xing2 qi2 shi4] /to go one's own way (成语 saw); to act independently without asking others/
+ 獨秀 独秀 [du2 xiu4] /to surpass/to stand above the crowd/
+ 獨語 独语 [du2 yu3] /solo part (in opera)/soliloquy/
+ 獨語句 独语句 [du2 yu3 ju4] /one-word sentence/
+ 獨院兒 独院儿 [du2 yuan4 r5] /erhua variant of 獨院|独院, one family courtyard/
+ 獨院 独院 [du2 yuan4] /one family courtyard/
+ 大錢 大钱 [da4 qian2] /high denomination of banknotes or coins/lots of money/a big sum (e.g. a bribe)/
+ 天兒 天儿 [tian1 er5] /the weather/
+ 痛楚 痛楚 [tong4 chu3] /pain/anguish/suffering/
+ 瘙痒症 瘙痒症 [sao4 yang3 zheng4] /pruritus/itchy skin/
+ 登記錶 登记表 [deng1 ji4 biao3] /registration form/
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