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Change log entry 5446
Processed by: miles (2008-08-28 19:44:35 GMT)
- 齒 齿 [chi3] /tooth/
+ 齒 齿 [chi3] /tooth/CL: 顆|颗[ke1]/
- 顆 颗 [ke1] /classifier for small spheres, pearls, corn grains, hearts, satellites etc/
+ 顆 颗 [ke1] /classifier for small spheres, pearls, corn grains, teeth, hearts, satellites etc/
+ 肝病 肝病 [gan1 bing4] /liver disease/
+ 肌肉組織 肌肉组织 [ji1 rou4 zu3 zhi1] /muscle tissue/
+ 間充質 间充质 [jian1 chong1 zhi4] /mesenchyme (loosely organized embryonic connective tissue)/
+ 間充 间充 [jian1 chong1] /mesenchymal (tissue, in cell biology)/
+ 間充質幹細胞 间充质干细胞 [jian1 chong1 zhi4 gan4 xi4 bao1] /mesenchymal stem cell MSC (in cell biology)/
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