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Change log entry 54438
Processed by: richwarm (2014-07-20 00:17:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38733 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
This definition remains essentially as it was in CEDICT in 1998:
"攙 [chan1] /assist by the arm/mix/support/sustain/"

My attention was initially drawn by the fact that "mix" was placed between similar senses instead of being
separated as follows ~
/to assist by the arm/to support/to sustain/to mix/
/to mix/to assist by the arm/to support/to sustain/

After checking examples of usage and compounds containing 搀, I feel that "assist by the arm" is accurate,
and the addition of "support; sustain" is not helpful; and that 搀 is used to indicate adulteration often
enough to add that specific sense to "mix".

Note that 摻 and 攙 are close to being variants for the sense of "to mix", but this not noted in CEDICT.
Should we do so? M @ 摻 says 混合、雜入。同「攙」。如:「摻合」、「摻砂」、「摻水」。
Editor: Subsequently to this submission, Yves processed
- 摻 掺 [chan1] /to mix/
+ 摻 掺 [chan1] /variant of 攙|搀[chan1]/to mix/

"support" is probably ok for 攙 but I think that can be considered as being covered by "take by the arm and assist"
- 攙 搀 [chan1] /to assist by the arm/to mix/to support/to sustain/
# + 攙 搀 [chan1] /to assist by the arm/to mix/to adulterate/
+ 攙 搀 [chan1] /to take by the arm and assist/to mix/to blend/to dilute/to adulterate/
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