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Change log entry 54421
Processed by: richwarm (2014-07-18 06:57:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50469 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
this had been proposed a bit tentatively at the time and based on my understanding of the word. "To have class" may seem somewhat unexpected as an equivalent here, 气质 doesn't specifically mean class.

I have met it several times since and
1. several translations on J choose "to have class" (didn't we have J at the time?)
2. K is the only dict to have it:
◊ be elegant, be sophisticated/refined, have class
So I guess, yes, K does have some original defs :-)

Editor: I left some examples from TP and ChinesePod in the comments.
# = 有氣質 有气质 [you3 qi4 zhi2] /to have character/to have class/classy/
# Editor:
- 有氣質 有气质 [you3 qi4 zhi2] /to have character/to have class/classy/
+ 有氣質 有气质 [you3 qi4 zhi2] /to have class/classy/
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