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Change log entry 54416
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-07-17 18:45:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 52181 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>

that 2nd sense doesn't seem to be used jokingly, but the expression probably originally has the first sense, the 2nd being an (involuntary?) reinterpretation.
# 前胸貼後背 前胸贴后背 [qian2 xiong1 tie1 hou4 bei4] /lit. chest sticking to back/fig. famished/(of several persons) packed chest to back/
+ 前胸貼後背 前胸贴后背 [qian2 xiong1 tie1 hou4 bei4] /(lit.) chest sticking to back/(fig.) famished/(of several persons) packed chest to back/
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