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Change log entry 53958
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-06-01 09:09:44 GMT)
- 摩爾門經 摩尔门经 [Mo2 er3 men2 jing1] /Book of Mormon/
+ 摩爾門經 摩尔门经 [Mo2 er3 men2 Jing1] /Book of Mormon/
- 摩門經 摩门经 [Mo2 men2 jing1] /Book of Mormon/
+ 摩門經 摩门经 [Mo2 men2 Jing1] /Book of Mormon/
- 摩西五經 摩西五经 [Mo2 xi1 wu3 jing1] /the Pentateuch/the five books of Moses in the Old Testament/
+ 摩西五經 摩西五经 [Mo2 xi1 Wu3 jing1] /the Pentateuch/the five books of Moses in the Old Testament/
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