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Change log entry 53956
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-06-01 09:06:12 GMT)
Comment: 经 in entries with 3 or more syllables is capitalized (according to 新华拼写词典)
- 黃庭經 黄庭经 [Huang2 ting2 jing1] /Huangting Jing, one of the primary scriptures of Daoism/
+ 黃庭經 黄庭经 [Huang2 ting2 Jing1] /Huangting Jing, one of the primary scriptures of Daoism/
- 涅槃經 涅盘经 [Nie4 pan2 jing1] /the Nirvana sutra: every living thing has Buddha nature./
+ 涅槃經 涅盘经 [Nie4 pan2 Jing1] /the Nirvana sutra: every living thing has Buddha nature./
- 青囊經 青囊经 [Qing1 nang2 jing1] /Qingnangjing, a book on medical practice written by 華佗|华佗[Hua4 Tuo2]/
+ 青囊經 青囊经 [Qing1 nang2 Jing1] /Qingnang Jing, a book on medical practice written by 華佗|华佗[Hua4 Tuo2]/
- 三字經 三字经 [San1 zi4 jing1] /Three character classic, a 13th century reading primer consisting of Confucian tenets in lines of 3 characters/
+ 三字經 三字经 [San1 zi4 Jing1] /Three character classic, a 13th century reading primer consisting of Confucian tenets in lines of 3 characters/
- 山海經 山海经 [Shan1 hai3 jing1] /Classic of Mountain and Sea, probably compiled c. 500 BC-200 BC, contains wide range of geography, mythology, witchcraft, popular customs etc/
+ 山海經 山海经 [Shan1 hai3 Jing1] /Classic of Mountain and Sea, probably compiled c. 500 BC-200 BC, contains wide range of geography, mythology, witchcraft, popular customs etc/
- 尚書經 尚书经 [Shang4 shu1 jing1] /Book of History/a compendium of documents in various styles, making up the oldest extant texts of Chinese history, from legendary times down to the times of Confucius/
+ 尚書經 尚书经 [Shang4 shu1 Jing1] /Book of History/a compendium of documents in various styles, making up the oldest extant texts of Chinese history, from legendary times down to the times of Confucius/
- 詩禮 诗礼 [shi1 li3] /the Book of Songs 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1] and Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4]/a cultured well-read person/
+ 詩禮 诗礼 [Shi1 Li3] /the Book of Songs 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1] and Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4]/a cultured well-read person/
- 塔木德經 塔木德经 [ta3 mu4 de2 jing1] /Talmud/
+ 塔木德經 塔木德经 [Ta3 mu4 de2 Jing1] /Talmud/
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