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Change log entry 53902
Processed by: vermillon (2014-05-31 07:50:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51623 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
GF: 原指豪华精致的楼房;后指妓院。
青楼女子 | 堕入青楼

Wp: 青樓,自唐宋以來,妓院的代稱。最早是指「帝王的宮殿」或「門閥豪貴的樓閣」,有時則作為豪門高戶的代稱。後人才用以代稱妓院。

“我们的球员是太监进青楼——没人能射。” 这个调侃很有代表性。
"Our players are like eunuchs in a brothel: no one can shoot, " runs a typical jibe.

He asks it to restrain its desire to make it keener. Thus he comes dangerously near to those who in brothel slang are called involved or brain-workers.

There are many misconceptions over what a geisha truly is because the tumultuous past of artisans, prostitutes, and pleasure quarters in Japan.
+ 青樓 青楼 [qing1 lou2] /(literary) brothel/pleasure quarters/
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