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Change log entry 53900
Processed by: vermillon (2014-05-31 07:46:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51631 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
【两岸】:電線短路。比喻腦筋不靈光。(英short)​ 例 「電腦秀逗了,工廠作業全面停擺」、「腦袋秀逗」。
M: 電線短路。比喻人行事反常。為日語外來語ショ-ト的音譯。也就是英語 short的意思。如:「你是不是腦筋秀逗了?價錢這麼高你也買!」

It was a bit mental if you look back at it but it was my life, it still is my life, I love the game.

No guy actually want to get married, and if they do, all they're really thinking about?All the woman they're gonna miss out on.
+ 秀逗 秀逗 [xiu4 dou4] /to short-circuit/(fig.) to have a mental lapse/to get one's wires crossed/to be addled/
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