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Change log entry 53769
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-05-07 20:46:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51605 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
繪本(Picture Book),顧名思義就是「畫出來的書」。早期被稱作為圖畫書,通俗的說法是指有圖畫、主題簡單、情節內容簡短的故事書。主要是針對幼兒、兒童所設定的出版品,多以適合幼兒、兒童閱讀的內容為取向;但也有供成人閱讀的繪本。

TP ~ 培養孩子對語文學習的興趣,不只是學校和老師的責任,父母和孩子一同欣賞、翻閱美麗的繪本,孩子對外語會更有親切感。
It's not just the responsibility of schools and teachers to spur children's interest in language. Parents should also look at picture books with their children to get them used to foreign languages.
+ 繪本 绘本 [hui4 ben3] /picture book/
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