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Change log entry 53763
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-05-05 20:38:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51593 >>
这几年经济不景气, 好的工作对大学毕业生来说是僧多粥少。

Editor: 僧多粥少 does seem to be a lot more common.
# - 粥少僧多 粥少僧多 [zhou1 shao3 seng1 duo1] /not much gruel and many monks/not enough to go around/
# + 僧多粥少 僧多粥少 [seng1 duo1 zhou1 shao3] /many monks and not much gruel/not enough to go around/demand exceeds supply/
# editor:
- 粥少僧多 粥少僧多 [zhou1 shao3 seng1 duo1] /not much gruel and many monks/not enough to go around/
+ 粥少僧多 粥少僧多 [zhou1 shao3 seng1 duo1] /see 僧多粥少[seng1 duo1 zhou1 shao3]/
+ 僧多粥少 僧多粥少 [seng1 duo1 zhou1 shao3] /lit. many monks and not much gruel (idiom)/fig. not enough to go around/demand exceeds supply/
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