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Change log entry 53686
Processed by: vermillon (2014-05-03 09:38:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51543 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
see if my wording is accurate enough

GF: 用自身的行为试探法律的威力。指故意做犯法的事。
CH: 身:亲身,亲自;试:尝试。试着亲身去做触犯法律的事。指明知故犯。

So woe betide anyone who was born in China or whose parents were Chinese, who are sure to feel the full force of Beijing's powers if they are deemed to have broken the rules.

英国一名31岁的女子误把不可再生的垃圾倒入可回收垃圾桶,她因此被告上法庭。 自英国颁布2005年新环境法以来,她是以身试法的第一人。
A 31-year-old British woman has appeared in court accused of putting the wrong sort of rubbish into her recycling bin, the first person to fall foul of new environmental legislation passed in 2005.

"While the discipline of Macanese officials wasn't as strict as that meted out in Hong Kong, nonetheless it was virtually divine law. Very few people dared defy it."
+ 以身試法 以身试法 [yi3 shen1 shi4 fa3] /to challenge the law (idiom)/to knowingly violate the law/
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