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Change log entry 53241
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-04-19 17:07:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50505 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
I understand this word as "skulking", not "in a rage".
"pique" is suggested by J and K

C dicts also do not sound like "rage"
GF: 赌气
Z: 犹赌气。

There is room for improving the English def.

Editor: not sure what you meant by "skulking", but Rich and I assumed it was "sulky". :)
- 負氣 负气 [fu4 qi4] /in a rage/
# + 負氣 负气 [fu4 qi4] /in a pique/skulking/cross/
+ 負氣 负气 [fu4 qi4] /in a pique/sulky/cross/
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