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Change log entry 53102
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-03-31 21:39:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51180 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
adding /(computing) to hang/ and /(slang) to kill/to die/to be finished/to fail (an exam)/

M: 死、完蛋。如:「他出車禍掛了」、「他一上場就掛了,使比賽提前結束。」
【两岸】: [臺] 死亡;敗陣。 例 「魚缸裡小魚掛了」、「網路掛了,無法連線」。

挂,来自游戏用语,都有生命结束的意思,即死亡或结束。[...] 在大学生活中用得最多的就是“这一科我又挂了”,意思是考试不及格,不达标。在计算机机领域也经常出现“程序挂了”,“机器挂了”这样的说法,意思是程序或机器无法动作了。

- 每一次肯尼骤死之后,好朋友斯坦和凯尔都会接说“我的天啊!肯尼他被挂掉了!”“靠!你这个浑蛋!”
- 驾照考试又挂了
- 掛 挂 [gua4] /to hang or suspend (from a hook etc)/to hang up (the phone)/to be worried or concerned/to make a phone call (dialect)/to register or record/to hitch/classifier for sets or clusters of objects/
+ 掛 挂 [gua4] /to hang or suspend (from a hook etc)/to hang up (the phone)/to hang (computing)/to be worried or concerned/to make a phone call (dialect)/to register or record/to hitch/(slang) to kill/to die/to be finished/to fail (an exam)/classifier for sets or clusters of objects/
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