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Change log entry 53000
Processed by: richwarm (2014-03-17 00:16:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51144 >>
should be ordinal, not cardinal

Editor: "Calculating a person's age by ordinal numbers" is a cryptic way of putting it.
(by which I mean that hardly any native speakers of English, if asked to give their age, "calculated by ordinal numbers", would know what to do)
- 虛歲 虚岁 [xu1 sui4] /traditional Asian method of calculating a person's age, which holds that a baby is one year old at birth/as opposed to 足歲|足岁[zu2 sui4]/see also 實歲|实岁[shi2 sui4]/
# + 虛歲 虚岁 [xu1 sui4] /traditional Asian method of calculating a person's age by ordinal numbers/as opposed to 足歲|足岁[zu2 sui4]/see also 實歲|实岁[shi2 sui4]/
+ 虛歲 虚岁 [xu1 sui4] /one's age, according to the traditional Chinese method of reckoning (i.e. the number of Chinese calendar years in which one has lived). In this system, a person's age is one year at birth, and increases by one year at the beginning of the first solar term 立春[Li4 chun1] each year, rather than on one's birthday./as opposed to 足歲|足岁[zu2 sui4]/see also 實歲|实岁[shi2 sui4]/
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