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Change log entry 52870
Processed by: vermillon (2014-03-06 08:44:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51016 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
heard it in a Tw drama.. seems to be vastly Tw use...
Google Trends: Taiwan 100, China 3

Wp: 壁癌,又稱白華、吐露,是指在混凝土、磚塊等材質中,可溶解的成份隨水溶解,在水份蒸發之後,析出白色的鹽類附著物質。其產生的原因相當複雜,因此工程界仍無法找出一勞永逸的防治方法,故以「壁癌」稱之。

see also GI
+ 壁癌 壁癌 [bi4 ai2] /persistent mold on the wall/efflorescence/
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