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Change log entry 52789
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-02-26 08:44:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49455 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
abc: precarious/distressing/dangerous
lma: 可虑,可担忧:后果堪虞
moe: 可虑。如:前途堪虞、后果堪虞


Many poor rural families have no choice but to send their children to work, not to school, so the cycle of poverty continues into the next generation, especially for girls.

The triple crisis is affecting everyone, but is especially making life harder for people in poverty who have little or no buffer for one disaster, let alone three.

She recently hired three world-class assistant professors whose salaries are now at risk.

Most diagnosed with serious illnesses needed transplant operations within a year otherwise they would die.
# 堪虞 堪虞 [kan1 yu2] /dangerous/worrisome/
+ 堪虞 堪虞 [kan1 yu2] /worrisome/precarious/at risk/
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