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Change log entry 52605
Processed by: vermillon (2014-02-14 20:32:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50894 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
is there a word for this in english?
feel free to improve my wording.

M: 只在自己睡慣的床鋪安眠,換了床鋪便不得安枕。如:「他有認床的習慣,每次外宿,他便不得安眠。」

- 专家提醒:入住高考房当心孩子认床
- 入住高考房,要防止出现考生“认床”现象———有些考生,在家里睡习惯了,到陌生的住处或者换一张床会有一段时间的适应调整期,晚上难以入睡
- 因为认床,一夜睡的很累,不停的翻身
- 出去玩我會認床耶我該如何才好
- 别人睡觉认床,我做饭认厨房!
+ 認床 认床 [ren4 chuang2] /to have difficulties sleeping in a bed other than one's own/
By MDBG 2024
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