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Change log entry 52584
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-02-13 20:18:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50375 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
The current def looks like a translation of Z's
- 在考场参加考试;在竞赛场地参加竞赛
- 亲自到现场

M ~ 當場,在現場。如:「他因缺乏臨場經驗,所以表現並不理想。」
I think M's example sentence is somewhat mystifying with our current definition:
Not enough experience taking an exam?
Not enough experience taking part in races?
Not enough experience going personally to the place?

N ~ 身临现场(多指战场、考场、剧场、赛场等)

Other examples:
- 这真是多亏干部们的临场冷静与机智。
- 你的临场表现和沉着镇静还会影响比分。
- 再將讀書心得配合臨場遊覽的所見所聞
mixing their impressions of [places mentioned in the works of 27 writers] with their firsthand experiences
- 「學習、練習、測試,是不斷循環的,」這是劉謙保持臨場不失手的「秘密武器」,也是他邁向成功的不二法門。
"Learn, practice, test-it's a constantly repeating pattern," says Lu of the "secret weapon" that makes sure he never slips up on stage ...

a few impromptu remarks

With little or no preparation; extemporaneously.

when the Lumiere films were shown at the first public film exhibition in the United States in February 1896, they were accompanied by piano improvisations on popular tunes.


臨場感 is a construct, but I think it helps make the meaning of 臨場 a bit clearer.

M ~ 如同在現場的感覺。如:「立體電影讓人有身歷其境的臨場感。」

in order to create an atmosphere for the kids, [it is set up so a visit follows the same process as for a real clinic.]

brought to life through the magic of 3D
- 臨場 临场 [lin2 chang3] /to take an exam/to take part in a race/to go personally to the place/
+ 臨場 临场 [lin2 chang3] /to be at the scene (sitting for an exam, performing, competing, giving directions etc)/firsthand (experience)/impromptu (remarks etc)/
+ 臨場感 临场感 [lin2 chang3 gan3] /the feeling of actually being there/
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