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Change log entry 52504
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2014-02-08 14:04:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50473 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
The current definition makes it sound like learning something without a teacher or classes, but it seems usually to be study intended to *complement* the teachers' lessons.

- 在自习时间学校维持着无人监管的学习制度

X ~ 在课外或工馀自学。
N ~ 自己学习;特指学生自己学习。
Z ~ 自己温习或复习
M ~ 在課外或空閒的時間自己學習。如:「他的知識豐富,全靠平日自習所得。」
K ~ study by oneself (of students during free time, etc.)
A ~ ①study by oneself ②review one's lessons
O ~ (of students) study by oneself in scheduled time or free time; review one's lessons
- 自习时间 time for individual study;
- 自习室 room for individual study
- 自習 自习 [zi4 xi2] /to study by oneself/teach yourself/
+ 自習 自习 [zi4 xi2] /to study outside of class time (reviewing one's lessons)/to study in one's free time/individual study/
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