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Change log entry 52212
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-12-31 14:20:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48502 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
M: 忍氣吞聲侍奉公婆的媳婦,日子熬久了,總有一天也會成為權大威風的婆婆。比喻受盡委屈者,終會苦盡甘來,一逞威風。如:「像咱們這些小教員,何時才能媳婦熬成婆,當上校長呢?」

Editor: adding monigeria's suggestion.
# + 媳婦熬成婆 媳妇熬成婆 [xi2 fu4 ao2 cheng2 po2] /lit. even a submissive daughter-in-law will one day become a domineering mother-in-law (idiom)/fig. what goes around comes around/
+ 媳婦熬成婆 媳妇熬成婆 [xi2 fu4 ao2 cheng2 po2] /lit. even a submissive daughter-in-law will one day become a domineering mother-in-law (idiom)/fig. the oppressed will become the oppressor/what goes around comes around/
By MDBG 2024
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