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Change log entry 51973
Processed by: richwarm (2013-12-05 04:34:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50377 - submitted by 'sberder' >>
typo in "gas mask"
Editor: Thanks. Webster doesn't like the hyphen in "face-piece" either.
- 面罩 面罩 [mian4 zhao4] /mask/visor/face-piece (e.g. diving suit, gas mark)/
# + 面罩 面罩 [mian4 zhao4] /mask/visor/face-piece (e.g. diving suit, gas mask)/
+ 面罩 面罩 [mian4 zhao4] /mask/visor/facepiece (e.g. diving suit, gas mask)/
By MDBG 2024
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