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Change log entry 51967
Processed by: ycandau (2013-12-04 16:42:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49157 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"to play with lips"?
Not sure about "to boast" either ...
Let's check this one.

Editor: see discussion
- 耍嘴皮子 耍嘴皮子 [shua3 zui3 pi2 zi5] /to play with lips (idiom); to talk glibly/to boast/to pay lip service/
# + 耍嘴皮子 耍嘴皮子 [shua3 zui3 pi2 zi5] /to talk glibly/to pay lip service/
+ 耍嘴皮子 耍嘴皮子 [shua3 zui3 pi2 zi5] /to talk glibly/to talk big/to be all talk/
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