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Change log entry 51909
Processed by: ycandau (2013-12-01 17:30:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47859 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Proposed change based on the way 什么 and its variants are filed:
甚麼 甚么 [shen2 me5] /variant of 什麼|什么[shen2 me5]/
什麼 什么 [shen2 me5] /what?/who?/something/anything/
and on Unihan frequency data (4000 vs 3300)
Both ZDict and http://zd.chinesehelper.cn/256219.html list assorted as the meaning.
What do you think?
# - 甚 什 [shen2] /what/
# + 甚 什 [shen2] /assorted/also written 什[shen2]/
# + 什 什 [shen2] /assorted/
# Editor:
- 甚 什 [shen2] /what/
+ 什 什 [shen2] /what/
+ 甚 甚 [shen2] /variant of 什[shen2]/
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