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Change log entry 51899
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-29 21:02:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48036 - submitted by 'saciel' >>
Names of deities are really hard to identify so it is good to have the option, especially as the words don't work together if you don't know it's a name.

Editor: I understand the rationale for your capitalization, but I think it's more helpful to capitalize it as a single proper noun, as the chars make no sense to one who reads Chinese.
# 佈洛陀 布洛陀 [bu4 Luo4 tuo2] /primogenitor/ creator god of the Zhuang-minority (壮族) of Guangxi, China./
+ 布洛陀 布洛陀 [Bu4 luo4 tuo2] /creator god of the Zhuang minority (壯族|壮族[Zhuang4 zu2)/
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