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Change log entry 5184
Processed by: miles (2008-08-17 15:12:36 GMT)
- 搜尋 搜寻 [sou1 xun2] /search for/look for/
+ 搜尋 搜寻 [sou1 xun2] /to search/to look for/
- 炸 炸 [zha4] /explode/
+ 炸 炸 [zha4] /to explode/
+ 炸碎 炸碎 [zha4 sui4] /to destroy in an explosion/to break (by bombing)/
- 更換 更换 [geng1 huan4] /replace/
+ 更換 更换 [geng1 huan4] /to replace/
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