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Change log entry 51834
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-25 13:56:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49708 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
In TP articles, at least, 抒壓 is the most common (18 instances), then 紓壓 (13), and then 舒壓 (2).
The Google results for 舒壓 are very high, but would be skewed by instances of 心舒壓.

Editor: see discussion.
I still think 舒壓 or 舒解 are wrong, but I find sufficiently good support on the web to not want to push my opinion.
# 舒壓 舒压 [shu1 ya1] /to alleviate stress/also written 紓壓|纾压[shu1 ya1]/also written 抒壓|抒压[shu1 ya1]/
# 紓壓 纾压 [shu1 ya1] /to alleviate stress/also written 抒壓|抒压[shu1 ya1]/also written 舒壓|舒压[shu1 ya1]/
# 抒壓 抒压 [shu1 ya1] /to alleviate stress/also written 紓壓|纾压[shu1 ya1]/also written 舒壓|舒压[shu1 ya1]/
+ 紓壓 纾压 [shu1 ya1] /to alleviate stress/
+ 舒壓 舒压 [shu1 ya1] /variant of 紓壓|纾压[shu1 ya1]/
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