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Change log entry 51719
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-20 21:34:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50007 - submitted by 'miles' >>
The shorter form is the historically correct chengyu. See Zdic
# - 貴人多忘事 贵人多忘事 [gui4 ren2 duo1 wang4 shi4] /An eminent person has short memory (idiom)./
# + 貴人多忘事 贵人多忘事 [gui4 ren2 duo1 wang4 shi4] /An eminent person has short memory (idiom)/
# + 貴人多忘 贵人多忘 [gui4 ren2 duo1 wang4] /An eminent person has short memory (idiom)/
# ## no period at end
- 貴人多忘事 贵人多忘事 [gui4 ren2 duo1 wang4 shi4] /An eminent person has short memory (idiom)./
+ 貴人多忘事 贵人多忘事 [gui4 ren2 duo1 wang4 shi4] /see 貴人多忘|贵人多忘[gui4 ren2 duo1 wang4]/
+ 貴人多忘 贵人多忘 [gui4 ren2 duo1 wang4] /an eminent person has short memory (idiom)/
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