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Change log entry 51671
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-17 15:01:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43662 - submitted by 'pancomido' >>
Source: 边听边记HSK 口语习惯用语 Beijing Language and Culture University Press
# 天上下刀子 天上下刀子 [tian1 shang4 xia4 dao1 zi5] /there are great difficulties / sth. terrible happens / (lit. knives rain down from the sky)/
+ 天上下刀子 天上下刀子 [tian1 shang4 xia4 dao1 zi5] /lit. knives rain down from the sky (idiom)/fig. (even if) the sky crumbles/
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