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Change log entry 51663
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-11-16 21:52:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 50031 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
N ~ 国美电器 [guóměidiànqì]
1. noun GOME Electrical Appliances, is a Chinese electrical appliance retailer. The brand name "GOME" was first adopted in 1993.

W ~ GOME Electrical Appliances Holding Limited (国美电器 in Chinese)(SEHK: 493) is one of the largest privately owned electrical appliance retailers in Mainland China and Hong Kong.

I don't know whether you can say it's Chinese -- it's "incorporated in Bermuda" (W)
- 國美電器 国美电器 [Guo2 mei3 dian4 qi4] /Guo mei or Gome electronics chain/
+ 國美電器 国美电器 [Guo2 mei3 Dian4 qi4] /GOME Electrical Appliances (founded in Beijing, 1987)/
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