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Change log entry 51657
Processed by: richwarm (2013-11-16 19:14:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46380 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
GF: 旧时把被关押的人浸泡在水中的牢房。
Z: 旧时把犯人浸在水中的牢房。有水池的牢房,犯人置于水池中。

Wp: Supposedly, the Rasphuis in Amsterdam, a 17th-century institution that attempted to rehabilitate young male criminals through labor, contained a "water dungeon," the so-called Waterhuis.[3] If prisoners refused to work they were placed in a cellar that quickly filled with water after a sluice was opened, and were handed a pump that enabled them to keep from drowning. Geert Mak and other authors, however, point out that there is no evidence whatsoever for the existence of this room and this punishment.[4]
# 水牢 水牢 [shui3 lao2] /water dungeon, a form of imprisonment where the prisoner (often locked in a cage) is immersed in a pool of dirty water/
+ 水牢 水牢 [shui3 lao2] /prison cell containing water, in which prisoners are forced to be partly immersed/
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