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Change log entry 51578
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-12 23:06:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49912 - submitted by 'brianlawrence' >>

In the eyes of many math students, that place was as holy as Mecca.

There are several alternative ways to write this word. Xinhua Zidian lists this and 诜诜. Then, 古代汉语词典 lists in addition to these two the four forms 侁侁 甡甡 兟兟 駪駪. Neither dictionary says these are variants of the same word, but they have identical readings and glosses. Is it worth putting them all into the dictionary?

By the way my dictionary lists a simplified form for 駪 (written 马先) but it's not in MDBG or my input method.

Editor: in modern texts, pbly only in 莘莘学子. But historical texts show independent usage.
+ 莘莘 莘莘 [shen1 shen1] /numerous/
By MDBG 2024
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