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Change log entry 51478
Processed by: ycandau (2013-11-10 09:09:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45012 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I think the first part is ok, but the second part seems off.

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Not very common: G ~ About 5,670 results
Def on the web ~ 攬轡:拉住馬韁。澄清:平治天下。表示刷新政治,澄清天下的抱負。也比喻人在負責一件工作之始,即立志要刷新這件工作,把它做好

M ~ 語本後漢書˙卷六十七˙黨錮傳˙范滂傳:「滂登車攬轡,慨然有澄清天下之志。」指初任官職,即有澄清天下的宏願。舊唐書˙卷八十九˙姚傳:「果能攬轡澄清,下車整肅。吏不敢犯,姦無所容,前後糾擿,蓋非一緒。」
- 攬轡澄清 揽辔澄清 [lan3 pei4 cheng2 qing1] /lit. to seize the reins and quell disorder/to act quickly and decisively (idiom)/
+ 攬轡澄清 揽辔澄清 [lan3 pei4 cheng2 qing1] /to assume one's post with the aspiration of bringing about peace and order to the nation (idiom)/
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