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Change log entry 51363
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-11-02 21:56:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49841 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
7 million results, but not in NC, NA, XHC etc.

Dicts such as FE and ABC say it means "to be very choosy" but I think that's misleading. It's about being discerning in one's choice.
choosy = taking excessive care when making a choice.
"she's become very choosy about food"
[definition from Google define:]

In fact, Collins has
selective 1. adjective (discerning) 精挑细选的

She also knows that her mother-in-law loves being out and about where there is a lot going on, though she doesn't really like to spend money, so every Lunar New Year holiday, Xiao Jing carefully chooses domestic group tours that fit the bill and will be safe

Not only must the flowers be carefully selected; she is even fastidious about the greenery on the floor.

Should one apply for exclusive rights to a variety? Breeders have to make careful calculations, and import-export agents must likewise choose very carefully.

As for Shin Yeh 101's unique wok-seared pork liver, the thickness, color and softness of the liver have been carefully selected.

This sentence, when observed carefully, will be enough to set one free from samsara. So it was a well chosen sentence, and I like it very much.

+ 精挑細選 精挑细选 [jing1 tiao1 xi4 xuan3] /to select very carefully/
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