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Change log entry 51151
Processed by: ycandau (2013-10-24 16:09:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 43811 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
M: 眾多的學生。如:「李校長辦學卓越,嘉惠了本鄉的莘莘學子。」
Z: 莘莘:众多的样子。指众多的学生。

On behalf of the SIS, I welcome all of you to our school.

It was heartening to hear him encourage students to "study with passion, keep a clear mind and be level-headed".

Surrounded with the beautiful lake and hills, it does achieve a quiet and elegant environment, the campus offers students with an ideal site.
# 莘莘學子 莘莘学子 [shen1 shen1 xue2 zi3] /a great number of students (idiom)/students/
+ 莘莘學子 莘莘学子 [shen1 shen1 xue2 zi3] /a great number of students (idiom)/
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