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Change log entry 51087
Processed by: ycandau (2013-10-22 18:52:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49392 - submitted by 'brianlawrence' >>
I've seen it used figuratively -- again, I lost the original context.

现代汉语词典 has entry 踽踽:形容一个人走路孤零零的养子:~独行。

汉语成语词典 has 踽踽独行 with a similar definition.

There is another form 禹禹独行 -- I'm looking to see if I can find a reliable reference for the pronunciation of 禹 (it should be ju3)

Google counts
踽踽独行 680K
禹禹独行 396K
# 踽踽獨行 踽踽独行 [ju3 ju3 du2 xing2] /to walk alone/
+ 踽踽獨行 踽踽独行 [ju3 ju3 du2 xing2] /to walk alone (idiom)/
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