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Change log entry 51054
Processed by: richwarm (2013-10-18 22:00:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49531 - submitted by 'bubbha' >>
The meaning of this word is broader and more variable than company or firm; it can also mean vendor, plant or supplier, depending on context.
company? firm? - No, it's not just any sort of company.

vendor? supplier? - That's what you call a manufacturer in certain contexts, but a supplier is not necessarily a manufacturer, as a 廠商 is. A supplier can be a wholesaler, for example. So "supplier" is not a very good word to include. From our point of view, it just adds ambiguity to a fairly unambiguous definition (manufacturer; producer). Same thing for "vendor".

"plant"? - No, a 廠商 is the guys who *own* the plant, not the plant itself.

In short, /company/firm/vendor/plant/supplier/ can be used in a *translation*, but they don't accurately *define* what a 廠商 is.
- 廠商 厂商 [chang3 shang1] /company/firm/
# + 廠商 厂商 [chang3 shang1] /company/firm/vendor/plant/supplier/
+ 廠商 厂商 [chang3 shang1] /manufacturer/producer/
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