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Change log entry 51012
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-10-16 09:31:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49539 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
行得通 is not a noun (sth that will work)


nciku copied part of our def, and improved the other bit! :-)
N ~ to be practicable; to be realizable; to be workable

Editor: de5
- 行得通 行得通 [xing2 de2 tong1] /practicable/realizable/sth that will work/
# + 行得通 行得通 [xing2 de2 tong1] /practicable/realizable/will work/
+ 行得通 行得通 [xing2 de5 tong1] /practicable/realizable/will work/
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