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Change log entry 51005
Processed by: richwarm (2013-10-16 03:11:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49528 - submitted by 'bubbha' >>
Most dictionaries seem to define this word as "without exception", but whenever I encounter it in the wild, it almost invariably means "for example" or "such as".
Editor: Rewriting the definition after further consideration.

1) /such things as .../examples including ... (etc)/
- 舉凡菜園子裡的青蔥、蘿蔔,院子裡的雞、鴨,兩位阿媽都可以隨口說出謎語來。
Point to anything on the farm – green onions, radishes, chicken, or ducks – and these two old ladies will throw you a riddle about it.
- 舉凡減少肉中脂肪含量、提高乳汁的品質與產量、加速家畜的生長率等等,都是基因轉殖動物的目標。
Among the goals in the first category are reducing the amount of fat in meat, raising the quality and production of dairy products, and increasing the growth rate of livestock.
- 部分生物學家將人化約為龐大的基因組,認為人的一切都由基因主宰、決定。舉凡犯罪問題,同性、異性戀取向,甚至一天看幾個小時電視,都有生物學家將它和基因拉上關係。
Some biologists unconsciously think of humans as a big collection of genes, and feel that genes control everything in our lives, including criminal behavior and sexual orientation. There are even biologists who draw a connection between our genetic makeup and how many hours of television we watch per day.
- 我喜歡看體育節目,舉凡足球、籃球、排球、游泳、田徑……

2) /without exception/every/any/
- 实用主义的检验标准是:除了其他一切条件之外,举凡可以被采纳的理论必须在实践中行得通。
The pragmatic test is that in addition to everything else, an acceptable theory must actually work.
- 举凡在1900年以前在美国做过某些事的人,都很容易被拍成电影……以他是先驱人士为其理由。
Anybody who did anything in America up to 1900 was liable to be made into a film... on the grounds of being a pioneer.
- 举凡有意在这世上谋求生存者,必须具备三种难得的天资:掩饰感情、含糊其词、保留己见。
He that will live in this world must be endowed with the three rare qualities of dissimulation, equivocation, and mental reservation.
# 舉凡 举凡 [ju3 fan2] /for example/such as/without exception/
# Editor:
- 舉凡 举凡 [ju3 fan2] /including/for example/such as/everything ranging from ... to .../
+ 舉凡 举凡 [ju3 fan2] /such things as .../examples including ... (etc)/without exception/every/any/
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